Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Email February 11, 2013*

Hello Mum,

Sorry if some of the Austrailian comes out of me in this email... Elder Labra is rubbing off on me. His dad is chilean, that is where the name comes from. I have been with him since saturday. He goes home on wednesday. I still haven't gotten the call from the assistants about changes so I am not sure what is going to happen. But odds are that I will be with Elder Palacios again here in Moroni.

This week was pretty good. We had our zone meeting where we were able to teach our zone all of the things that we learned in concilio. President Madariaga came to ours again, so we did a demonstration with him. It was really fun, I always enjoy doing practices with President. After the meeting I started a division with Elder Staker in Zeballos. We had an awesome lesson with someone we found.  She is going through depression, basically going through hell with the ex-man, and her step daughter is a less active. The Spirit was super strong and she committed to being baptized on the 2 of March. We gave her a blessing and we left. On Saturday when I went over there to do a baptismal interview, I saw her outside her house and she was pumped. She told me she was reading and she wants to get baptized even earlier (turns out you need to go to church a few times... hahaha). She feels a ton better. Sunday after church was great when I got a phone call from Staker saying she was in church and she loved it.

Saturday, like I mentioned, I did a baptismal interview right before a wedding. The kid was pretty prepared, and the Spirit was so strong. The highlight of the interview was when we talked about tithing. Not even sure how it happened, but I felt the Spirit so strong as I bore my testimony about the importance of it. I could see the Spirit working in him as his understanding was taken to a whole different level.

We did have Felix come to church. He is a friend of a youth in the ward that we started teaching this week. Super smart and progressing very well, but his mom isn't interested at all. Fortunately the member friend, Pablito, is the most active member in the ward, so we got some good member help. They are both 15 I think.

Well. I love you so much. Hope everyone is doing great. I have realized how important it is that we change a lot and don't come home the same person. I love my mission. I loved eating with the Price family yesterday too. American gravy..... mashed potatoes.... Pork cooked in the crock pot.... I about died... hahha

I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. He suffered for each one of us. I love Him so much.

Love, Elder Naegle

p.s. This is a picture of my zone. Sorry I didn't want to deal with the all the other cameras in the middle. Also a picture from zeballos cue, looking at asuncion. Took it today at our barbecue we did.

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