Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Email Sept. 5 2011

Hey Mom,

Alright, so I had a list of things for each day of this week... And I forgot to bring it with me... Haha so sorry about that. Sounds like things are great at home.

This week was tough as far as the work goes. All of our investigators didn't show up to church except for David Colman. Who is the man. Haha in priesthood he fell asleep after about 10 minutes and was out cold. Snoring and drooling. It was awesome. Afterwards I tried to wake him up to take him to class, he wouldn't wake up. I was shaking him and all. He just wouldn't wake up. Haha it was so funny so we just left him in there. Anyway. David can't get baptized until we find out if his senora's previous marriage was legit, which takes a few weeks. Lots of times the judges down here will just pocket the money and throw out the marriage certificate. So we need to find out if that happened. If it is legit and they get married, well then the people who witness for the marriage could get 2 years in jail. So that wouldn't be good.

On Tuesday we were teaching Rebecca, who can't baptized until she gets married to Ricardo. Who is a member. Less active. Super weird funny guy. I bore my testimony of the power of the Spirit. It was incredible. I haven't felt the Spirit that strong on my mission. It was really awesome.

Wednesday is when Elder Arnold of the Seventy came. President of the South American Area or something. Everyone was afraid of him "dropping cane". That is what they say here in the mission. Anyway. I didn't really care. He didn't get too upset with anything. He was happy with the improvement that our mission has shown. "There used to be guitars!!" Haha chill out old man. He asked an elder, "What are you going to do when you get home?" "um... study" to which Elder Arnold responds... "NOOOO!!!!!" Haha the next missionary, who was in my MTC district actually, got it right. He said something to the effect of starting an eternal family. Hahahahaha are you kidding me??? I didn't even have 2 weeks in the mission yet, and | am supposed to be thinking about that?? Haha but that isn't for me to worry about.

Last night was interesting. There is this less active sister. And we were teaching her, she asks the most random questions and basically she doesn't know anything about the church. So we had just finished explaining who Joseph Smith was for about 20 minutes, when she says to me. Why don't you speak much? To which I respond, well I have only been in Paraguay for 2 weeks and I am still learning. She says, You don't know Spanish yet??? She continued to insult my intelligence for a minute, which was wonderful... Haha all I could think was, you couldn't tell me who Joseph Smith was if your life depended on it. And you think I am dumb because I can't speak Spanish? Haha it was pretty funny. I just smiled. So anyway. That was my week.

Life is good. The Book of Mormon is true. Read it. Pray about it. Love it.

The pictures are me at the temple last week. It is in our zone. We were waiting for our zone leaders for lunch. It is pretty cool. I can't wait until I get to go.

Love, Elder Naegle

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