Monday, January 23, 2012

Email Jan. 23, 2012

Hello Mom,

So I just spent 120 bucks on a pair of shoes... Hope you dont mind!! Hahaha I figure it is my money anyway. They are some catepillars. Pretty nice, heavy duty church shoes, like my eccos. Cheaper than you sending me another pair, and now I will make it through my whole mission no sweat. I did it so early because I might not be able to find my size anywhere else but in Saltos. I put it on my credit card, so if you could watch for that please, that would be great. Alright. So thanks for the news of the week. Sorry I wont be responding to much to it today, but know that I appreciate it and it sounds like everything is going well at home. Coulter is going where again? I cant remember where, sorry I am losing my memory a little bit. As well as some of my hair... and gaining a gut... Haha but I am keeping the gut in check for now.

So anyway. I am attaching some pictures. The first is of me making pancakes. That is right, I made some pancakes after church yesterday. Delicious. The next is of Brazil from across the river. The next is in between Saltos and La Paloma, a whole lot of nothing. The last... Well you dont see that kind of car here in Paraguay very often. That was out in Saltos today.

As far as my week goes, well it was a pretty good one. Tough at times, really tough. But we saw some good results as well. That is missionary work in a nut shell for you.

So the week started off with our investigator Liz telling us that she thinks her church is true. That church being the Catholic Church. This was a real bummer for me. I asked her if she felt like she had done her part to know if what we have is true, she said no. Well there you go.... If you want an answer, you gotta do your part. We have done our best with her, but she hasnt done her part. I am really really sad, especially because her boyfriend is a less active and it was a good situation. He is really cool, but he isnt helping a whole lot though.

But, with this rough news... Comes the good news... Isaías, came to church this Sunday! Yes! Finally it feels like my efforts in La Paloma are starting to pay off. I have worked hard here and it is pretty tough when you dont have people in church, but we finally did it. This week we had some awesome lessons with Isaías. He has really taken off with the Book of Mormon. He always reads what we give him to read and he loves it. But what really did it, was Thursday night. We got the Branch here to do an activity. We had an awesome lesson with him before the activity in front of the baptismal font, and after we had the activity with the branch. He got to know everyone and he had a blast with President Zalema shooting hoops for a minute. After when we were with him he told us that before he didnt come to church because he had vergüenza, or shame, but that now he didnt anymore. Oh yeah!!!! Awesome. This is why the work with the members is so important. He came to church. He had a good experience there. All because of an activity. I love missionary work.

Saturday night we witnessed some more amazing lightning. Utah just doesnt know what lightning is. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen here. Friday I saw the La Paloma landfill. Made me miss the dump back at home. The dump has a distinct smell and I miss it. Paraguay smells bad and I have gotten use to it, but I have always liked the smell of the dump. Let us just say I enjoyed walking past the La Paloma landfill. Plus there was a monster pig in there. HUGE. This thing could kill you easy. Not kidding. It has got a mane on it like you cant believe...

Anyway. Gotta run. Love you so much Mom and everyone else. Have a great week.

Love, Elder Naegle

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