Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Email June 4, 2012

Hello Mom,

Sounds like a good week there in Utah. Good old Utah. And Idaho. Can't forget Idaho. Anyway... Before I forget, I just came from the awesome restaurant Costillon. It was delicious. To give you an idea of how good it is here, while we were there, the mayor from Saltos and like 20 of his minions came walking in. He walked around and said hi to everyone, even us. It was pretty funny. He spoke english as well. I noticed that while he was talking to us his body guard snapped a photo on his phone. Good publicity! Those American missionaries! That is what I am talking about. Them government people, they just know how to work don't they? anyway.

For my package, if you could please include the following. a few ties, but not any of my good ones (I have a problem of giving ties away...), a few ziploc bags(big and small), a big thing of taco seasoning, and a brownie mix would also be great. I am going to be saving that for the 4th of July. Thank you Mom.

Well today I just want to tell you about my cool experiences with the awesome convert, Isaías. This week we took him out to visit our investigator Eogenio. I apologized on the way because it is a pretty far walk, but his response was. "No problem, we are serving God, it doesnt matter how far it is". Oh yeah! Feels so good to hear something like that. Then at the end of the lesson Isaías just took it away with his testimony. There is nothing like hearing a testimony half in Guaraní and half in Spanish. So awesome. The Spirit flooded the room. Then this Sunday during testimony meeting he got up to share his testimony for the first time in church. He started by thanking Elder Gardner and me for helping him, and then finished by saying that he has no doubt that Joseph Smith was a prophet, The Book of Mormon is true, and that this is the true Church of Jesus Christ. It was awesome. 

We are starting now to really focus on his mom, who is member hace mucho, and we are hoping to be able to baptize his younger brothers this month, one of which came to church yesterday. It should be a pretty good month. Well I better go. I think the power is going to go. I just heard the loudest thunder I have ever heard in my entire life. Love you Mom.

Love, Elder Naegle

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