Monday, May 21, 2012

Email May 21, 2012

 Hello Mom,

Sounds like things are going well. I am glad you had a good time up at the cabin. I sure miss it, but well it will be there when I get back. Enjoy your work this week, always loved thinning fruit trees in the orchard.... hahaha but I actually miss doing that kind of work. I just get to settle here in Paraguay picking mandarin oranges the size of Shaq's fist. Well maybe not quite that big, but they are delicious. I will be sad when they run out.

It was a good week for me. Tuesday was mother's day here in Paraguay. The women of the branch decided to invite us to their get together in the church.... Super awkward, but well they weren't going to eat all those hot dogs! So I left will a full belly and i was able to set up the projector for them.

Thursday we did  a division with Puente. Richins came here to Paloma and I went there. The kid he is training is named Smith. Good kid. Already has a date with his girl... May 20 somethin of 2014... Hahaha good luck. Anyway. We taught their investigators in Katuete the law of chastity and it was super cool. They were a super cool family, and I was able to fit in really quick. They accepted the teachings and are progressing quite nicely from what I hear. We also did some more house shopping while we were over there in Katuete because President wants to open it up in 2 weeks. Richins had already found one, so I just had to go over contract stuff with the people. The guy was just like Daniel Craig, but from Defiance. Plus he was German, born in Brazil, raised in Paraguay. Let us just say he spoke 5 languages perfectly. Pretty cool. So I got it all figured out, got all the stuff emailed to Hermana Madariaga, but then she called later and said the house wasn't quite big enough because they have to have sacrament mtg there.... Hahaha so Richins gets to keep looking.

Saturday was a good day. We had an awesome lesson with a guy named Eogenio. He had been to church a bunch of times prior, but he has a law of chastity problem because his wife lives in Brazil and he is living with another women. So we taught the law of chastity, it was a powerful lesson. He is committed to finding a solution and he knows that baptism is the right thing to do. He was in church the following day with his señora. He is a great guy.

I also played the piano in church yesterday. I actually played pretty good. I was pretty proud of myself. My branch president realized that both Shumway and I can play so we are going to take turns and switch off every week. It was super fun. Also, quick fun fact. Shumway is good friends with Kurt Warner's daughter. As in he has been to their house  a bunch of times and Kurt knows him by name.... Really cool. He says that Kurt's daughter is actually writing one of his friend's that is on the mission. 

Well anyway. I hope you found my email interesting this week. If you didn't, well I am sorry... but just so you know, nothing more worthwhile than the Lord's work. I love it. I really love Paraguay I have realized. It is just a great place. Anyway, I am going to wrap this up now. Love you all.

Love, Elder Naegle

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