Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Email June 10, 2013

Hello Mom,

Well sounds like a good and crazy week at home. Things are more exciting when you are preparing for a missionary to come home I think. But I don't know. Tell the bishop no promises about talking about priesthood... Haha but I might work it in there somehow. We'll see.

This week was a good one. I am back in my first area and believe it or not there are quite a few people that remember me. That isn't what it is about, but it is nice. It is great to see how much people have come, and also sad to see when people aren't active anymore. We have our work cut out for us. We have a teenager named Junior progressing pretty well for baptism in the coming weeks. His buddies are members, so that makes it much easier for him to have interest. 

I gave a talk on Sunday. That was fun to stand at the same pulpit and not be worried about being understood. I remember being pretty nervous for those talks back in the day. But now it just flows naturally, so I just have to think about a few ideas before I start.

I think the coolest experience of the week was doing the interviews for the missionaries on the other side of Trinidad. I interviewed the daughter of the family, and my comp the mother. After the interview and while we were waiting for my comp I started to talk to the dad. What an awesome man. We hit it off really well. Talking about motorcycles is always a good way to go. Up until the baptism he hadn't gone to church. The missionaries are doing a great job and he and his son were in church on sunday. It is really great to see a family progressing so well. The gospel has blessed the sister. The missionaries found her when she almost couldn't walk anymore because of bleeding in the brain. Now she does her daily tasks without any problem. She has a new hope. It is incredible.

Quick note. Destroyed my big toenail yesterday playing soccer after leaders council. Time to remove both of them... Make the appointment Mom. I almost passed out in the office while the assistant was putting a hot needle through my nail. It was hilarious. Not sure what happened to me, but everyone was getting a good kick out of it.

Well. Hope you have a good week. Jesus is the Christ.

Love you! Love, Elder Naegle

Email June 3, 2013

Hey Mom!

Another week down in Paraguay. Another week down in Utah. Seems like things are pretty crazy at home. Good luck with that. Things are good here in Paraguay. We didn't have much of an area this week, so it was lots of contacts and trying to help others in the zone find cool investigators. We did many divisions and it seemed to work out alright, the zone is really starting to kick it in gear. Of course we helped out the assistants a lot because we live in their house... but it was all kosher. 

So I had some of the most spiritual lessons of my mission this week. It was pretty awesome.  I feel like I am working the hardest I have in my mission, which is good for me because sometimes it is hard to work when you don't really have an area. But this week is changes, and then we will have our own area!

This week I did a division with Gardner again. It is cool to see how far we have come in this year and a half. We had a lesson with the grandmother of a recent convert. Up until that point she had been taught many times, without much success. As we got in there, we followed the Spirit, and next thing we know she is accepting the invitation to be baptized and to go to church. Was it us? No. It was most definitely the Spirit. I have come to realize what it means to teach a person and not a lesson. I have come to realize what it means to follow the Spirit. And when we do, well miracles happen. Lives are changed. 

Also we helped an old woman cross a stream this week. It was awesome. It meant the world to her. Is it too much to help someone out? Nope. Just do it! Have a great week.

Love, Elder Naegle

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Email May 27, 2013

Hello Mom!

So it sounds about one of the most exciting weeks happened at home! That is crazy! Congrats to everyone!! Pat, congrats, that is probably some of the best news I have ever heard in my mission. I missed Kelon on Wednesday night by 5 minutes........... NO!!!! I could have cried.. Benny and Jackee, congrats! That is wonderful! And yes, one of Jeff Moss's mission buddies is in my ward, David Sorilla, and I also met another from his mission named Nathan Barrejos.

Alright. Crazy week for me. So as you already knew, the sister missionaries kicked us out this week. My comp and I were given the really rich part of Moroni. I did about 80 individual contacts. Almost all of them were intercom contacts... We found a couple of people though. 

We had to show the sisters a few of our investigators. Hermanas Torres and Speirs. Hermana Torres started her mission in this zone when I got here, she left, trained, and now is back training here. She asked when she first saw me, You are still here? Haha it was pretty funny. 

So on Friday we had zone conference. It was the most spiritual zone conference I have been a part of. The asistontos asked us 2 to do a practice with President Madariaga, luckily we had a few days to prepare. And we nailed it. We taught repentance. The Spirit was super strong. I also gave my last testimony. I have really gained a strong testimony in my mission, for which I am grateful. 

Well. This is all I have to say basically. Once again, God answers prayers. He answered my prayers last night in the most simple way, but it meant a lot to me. I love you all. Hope you have a good week.

Love, Elder Naegle

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Email May 20, 2013

Hello Mom!
Well, first news first. Let us begin the move! They are kicking us out of Moroni and putting sisters in..... There are 4 sisters that are coming early for some reason, so tomorrow we gotta be out of the house so they can move in. That means I had to clean today... But we are fairly tidy so it wasn't too bad. For 2 weeks I will live with the asistontos until the normal changes, at which point the zone leaders will move somewhere else. We should be sharing the area in 3 for 2 weeks instead of just 2. As for the last 2 weeks that I have after the change, I have no idea what President will do with me now! Haha I told him today in my email that he can do whatever he needs to do with me. So we will see.

Well, I had so many things to tell you and then we got this phone call and my mind went blank. Just kidding! As much as I love writing home... I don't have much to say anymore.. haha sorry Mom! But there is good news this week. Roque is coming back  around! Booo yeah!!! It was awesome. We went back and had a really spiritual lesson, but she wasn't going to change her mind. An idea popped into my head, and well, it worked. The Spirit is an amazing thing. 

I gave a talk yesterday. All 4 missionaries were assigned to talk about missionary work... Talk about a boring sacrament mtg. I went last, and I mixed things up a bit. I talked about prayer. Prayer has come to mean so much more to me in the mission. One of the many things that I needed to learn in my time here. God answers prayers, if you don't know it, get down on them knees and pray! 

Life is great. Jesus is the Christ. Have a great week!

Love, Elder Naegle

Friday, May 17, 2013

Email May 13, 2013

Hello Mom,

Well you already know because of the phone call, but Zuni and Tamara were baptized! They also made their way through the rain to be confirmed yesterday! So that was the highlight of the week... Other than the phone call of course! It was really good to see the family! Niglet I am glad that making some money is more important to you than seeing your brother.... haha just kidding brother, spend that money well!

So this week I started another 40 day fast. Should help me to have the Spirit more. We did a zone presentation this week about having more light and we made a plan for the zone to do it. We are starting with the 40 day fast, and then in the coming weeks working to get the mission standards. Everyone seems to be excited about it, and I am loving it too! 

So this week we were walking by a big soccer field and their was a concert going on of a pretty famous band here in Paraguay. There were at least 2000 people. We decided we were going to contact everyone and invite them all to church. After some contemplating and being scared... We decided to do it! We made our way up to the security... and..... That was as far as we got... hahaha but we tried! Would have been a great story, now it is just a great failure... But it would have been cool. The Church is true! I want to share the gospel with everyone! Have a great week!

Love, Elder Naegle

Monday, May 13, 2013

Email May 6, 2013

Hello there Mom!

Sounds like everything is going well at home. Tell Matt and Jacqueline congrats on their baby! That is exciting. Lots of things are changing here in my life... Like less hair on the head and... Yeah... That is about it. Just kidding! Lots of things are changing here in Moroni! Life is awesome!

Suni and children should be getting baptized this weekend. She just needs to hold in strong with quitting smoking, but it has been over a week now so I feel like she will be able to do it. Her fear was the interview because a member told her they make you confess everything you have ever done.... So... We cleared that one up! She has strong desires to change her life, it is awesome.

Roque... Well... Monday night when we called her she said she didn't want to get baptized. So naturally we dropped everything and went. The world was coming down on her. So we had several lessons with her this week, all of which were Spirit packed. She was holding her ground pretty strong though. So we went in Saturday with all the faith in the world and... she told us that she knows the Church is true and that she needs to get baptized, but she can't do it now... It was one of the hardest moments of my mission. The Spirit was undeniable. It was so hard to see someone reject the answer from God. We are still praying for her, but for now at least she will stay with her decision. Hanks and I felt the spiritual confirmation that we did all we could do which was a nice comfort. One day.

Well we watched some Elder Bednar videos about light and the light of Christ today in leader council. I realized the importance of helping our light grow within us because light chases away darkness. As our light grows, we will be able to help others get rid of the darkness in their lives. Let us all strive to brighten that light.

I love you all. The Church is true. If you don't know, read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. Also, "Ask the missionaries! They can help!" But seriously we can. Have a great week! Can't wait to talk to you on Saturday!

Love, Elder Naegle

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Email April 29, 2013

Hello there Mom!!!

Greetings from Moroni! It sounds like everything is going well at home. I am also doing very well. I got my new companion Elder Hanks, from Sandy, UT, on Wednesday. We hit the ground running and worked hard. He is an excellent teacher and understands and speaks quite a bit of GuaranĂ­, so that is nice. 

Anyway. This week we had some of the coolest lessons in my mission. On Friday we decided that we were going to commit Roque to stop smoking completely. We related it to what we had left them in the BOM to read, which was Alma 32. It went incredibly. The Spirit was there so strong. When we asked her to quit completely, she accepted without doubt and well, I don't think the smiles could have been bigger on our faces. We gave her a huge bag of candies to put in her mouth when she has the desires to smoke. As of right now (as far as I know) she is doing great and hasn't smoked. She told us on saturday that when she went out looking for another job (she has been looking for a while), she found it. She said it was if she had been led there.... Oh yeah! She recognized it was God blessing her for her efforts. She is so awesome! 

We had stake conference on Sunday. Roque wasn't able to go, but Suni and her kids were there. We are seeing lots of blessings here in Moroni. We had a very similar lesson with Suni last night and she committed to stop smoking. We are starting to work with a few members that I never had before, and I think we will see great success from it. 

We heard from President Da Silva in stake conference. He was or is a 70 from Paraguay, and right now is serving as a counselor to Pres Madariaga. He talked about the questions of the soul, and how important the Book of Mormon can answer them. It was really awesome. My testimony of the Book of Mormon has grown so much on the mission. I want everyone to read it, ponder, and pray and ask if it is true. Because it is true! It is such a powerful tool to be used in our lives. So USE IT!!! Haha. Have a great week everyone! Especially you Mom! You are the best! Love you so much.

Love, P
My Zone

Elder Callero who just went home

Elder Hanks

Monday, April 22, 2013

Email April 22, 2013

Hello there Mom,

Everything was in the package as far as I know. I still love socks. I had even saved some for that last little bit. But now I have more. So thanks!

This week was good. We had a good 7 investigators in church. It was great. Roque and her kids were there, Denis and Kevin. Also a woman named Suni with her 2 kids, Tadeo and Tamara. And also the sister of Roque, Emilse. So things are looking pretty good there. Roque's man friend is taking more interest in the church, which was a prayer answered. Roque is down from 40 cigarrettes a day to 1 a day. She is awesome!

This week we saw a miracle. I was on a division with Elder Barco from Ecuador, and I felt the impression to try and call Suni again even though her cell phone wasn't working. She had shown up to church last sunday on her own, and the number she gave me didn't work and when we went to where she lives they told us she had moved 2 months prior. So we didn't know what to do. Anyway, we were close to the house, I stopped to call, ofcourse it didn't work. So we started walking again. As we passed the street, we saw her son coming out of the house. So we ran over, and we found Suni at home. Her relatives lie when people pass by looking for her.... And she didn't realize her phone wasn't working cause she hadn't been able to put saldo on it. So basically.... It was a miracle that we found her again. We taught an awesome lesson, and she came to church again and is pumped for baptism. If I hadn't stopped to call we never would have seen her son...

So. Yeah. I have come to realize the power of prayer. That is what we talked about in priesthood on sunday. Especially about praying in behalf of others. I have seen many prayers answered in my mission, and I know that because of your prayers at home I have been able to come this far. I love the gospel. The mission is awesome.

Got changes... Elder Hanks is my new comp. He is legit. We are going to tear it up my last change. 

Love, Elder Naegle

Monday, April 15, 2013

Email April 15, 2013

Hello there Mom!

So this week was good. It started with an interview with Pres Madariaga. The interview was really different because he was sick with a nasty cold. So after I said the prayer, he told me that I was going to talk for 10 minutes about whatever I wanted... When I realized he wasn't joking I started talking. I spoke in Spanish, he responded in English, which seems kind of backwards but it worked! We talked about many things, and all in all it was a very uplifting experience.

Roque and family are progressing very nicely. Turns out that Roque is trying to get back together with the dad of the 2nd child, Kevin, and it was pretty funny when we met him because we had contacted him about a week earlier. He is a nice guy, but doesn't want to be a part of the church. Luckily he lets everyone go and is supportive. Roque went to church with her 4 kids and they all loved it! Dennis left the meeting and told her that he wants to be a  missionary! Only 4 more years there buddy and you got it!

I did a division in my old area Trinidad this week. We did a service in the house of Julio and Rocio. Remodeling is quite different, and it can be done in about a day! Molina, a Colombian from Medellin didn't tell me we were going to do service so that is why I am wearing a white shirt and eccos... Haha. He asked me, "You are going to do service like that?". I told him that when your shirt has as much time as mine does you just don't really care anymore... 

So that is that. Hope you enjoyed it. I read something really interesting in PMG this week. I have read it before, but it stuck out to me. It is a quote by Pres Packer I think, and it says that we are just trying to connect with the Spirit of Christ as teachers of the gospel. As we do that, the gospel won't be new to people, rather it will have a familiar "ring" to them. This again stressed to me the importance of having the Spirit, and also the importance of members. It seems that they have an ability to connect with people in a much more natural way. So... All you members at home... Love you!!!

Jesus is the Christ.

Love, Elder Naegle

p.s. That is the south mission behind me. Look how much trash is in it.... Love you KO!!!! I realized that every single area of mine except for 1 has bordered the south mission. Kinda cool.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Email April 8, 2013

Hello Mom!

Sounds like you had a great time in England and New York! I am happy to hear it. Meanwhile, Elder Naegle was here in Paraguay living it up! No place I would rather be! Not even Bear Lake! Well... Better to not think about it... haha just kidding.

This week was awesome. I turned 21! My birthday landed on conference... oh please... YES!!! Talk about the best birthday a missionary could ask for! I also did a division with Elder Staker. One last one for good old times sake. I think his homecoming is at 9 the first sunday he is home, but not sure. I also gotta check about Hill's. Just some options for you. Not sure if you are going to go to either of them. But they both helped me through my mission in different ways.

Anyway. Back to the week. Friday we ran into a lady and her kids contacting. Her name is Roque. She has 4 kids, the oldest is 14, the youngest is 6 I think. She was super focused during the lesson, and very honest. When the lesson was over, she said, "I have been looking for something in the last little bit, and I think I just found it." It was like music to my ears. I could tell that she felt the Spirit. She promised to go to conference on Sunday, and she did. Her kids didn't get themselves ready, so she had to leave them, but when she got home she sat down with all of them and they talked about how they were going make sure they got to church next sunday. So awesome. Her kids are reading to her because she can't read. And she decided to stop smoking, and we had never said anything about it. In other words, we are pumped! Things have been falling left and right around us, and Heavenly Father led us to a prepared family.

Conference was incredible. I went in with many questions. I left with many answers. Saturday we were in Trinidad, just like old times! (I have spent 3 gc's with Elder Staker, pretty crazy). and Sunday we were in Moroni. I loved President Monson's talk about obedience, as well as many others. One in particular was Elder Bruce D. Porter's, when he talked about being happy and not worrying about the future. I have tried to better my attitude here in the mission and have a better outlook, and well his talk helped me out.

Hope you have a great week. No I still didn't get my package, but Staker was nice enough to give me a Hart and Huntington shirt and the sisters in my zone gave me a guampa for tereré for my birthday. So don't worry, I am taken care of!

I know that Jesus Christ lives. This is His Church. The Book of Mormon is true. So let us be happy!

Love, Elder Naegle

p.s. I think that they weren't thinking about Naegle's when they made the buses here.... I took that picture today of my leg. Enjoy!
Dan emailed me. Joust did too, for my birthday. Benny hasn't emailed in a while. Now we can email whoever we want I guess? I didn't hear anything, but another missionary told me.

Email April 1, 2013

Hey Mom!

Sounds like England is an adventure! I laughed about the bad food. Hope you like Paraguay!!!! Hahahaha you are going to love it, don't worry.

So for this week. I think I had one of the best days of my mission. We took our temple trip, and well it was Paso de Oro's day to go as a ward as well. So I was able to see 3 converts walk into the temple to do baptisms. Mariano, and Hugo and Natividad. It was super awesome. Also several members were in the session. The temple is so beautiful now. They have put a huge mural thing of the Iguazu falls up. It is incredible. I was so happy.

Then I did a division with Elder Zagieboyle (Zaggybwaylow is how you say it) from Boston. That says it all... Haha just kidding, he is really awesome. But he does like my 3 least favorite teams in sports I think. The Red Sox, the Red Sox, and the Red Sox. Oh and the Celtics and Patriots. But that is ok. He is a great missionary. 

Then on Friday we got a call from the assistants, and they said that we needed to do a special division with the missionaries from Filadelfia. So I went with Phippen!!! It was awesome. We contacted the nice part of my area. We found lots of atheists and jews that weren't super interested, but it was super fun.

Then this Saturday I was able to do an interview in Zeballos. It was 2 months or so ago when I did it the first time, and she wasn't quite ready. She asked if I could do the interview again, and well, she was definitely ready. It was a very special spirit that was felt that I love feeling as a missionary. That moment when people are accepting the Atonement of Jesus Christ in their lives. Holy Week is super big here in Paraguay, but that experience for me captured the true meaning.

I love my Savior. I know He lives. Have a great week.

Love, Elder Naegle

Mom, you thought I forgot.... HAAAAPPPPPPPPYYYYYY BBBBIIIIIIRRRRRTTTTTTHHHHDDDAAAAYYYYYY. I love you sooooooo much. Happy Birthday. Hope it was the best one yet. Probably not, because your favorite son is in another country... but maybe. Love you Mom. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Email March 25, 2013

Dear Mom

Sorry I have no time today. Thanks for ruining the surprise... I thought we had settled it last week... But that is ok. I will see you when we had planned with Nate!  The Killers are here in Paraguay. Brandon Flowers is Mormon, that means I can go, right? Hahaha just kidding. But I am going to the temple on wednesday. They remodeled the inside and put a huge mural of the falls of iguazu I heard. Should be beautiful. Love you all. Have a great week. 
Forgot to tell you that the hour changed here on Sunday. So we should only be 2 hours difference now, if you already changed in Utah. Love you Mom.

Love, Elder P Naegle

Hector manda mucho saludos y que yo me porto muy mal y soy un malo misionero. Hahaha he is great. Wish he would get baptized.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Email March 18, 2013

Hello Mom,

That is really cool about all the missionaries from the ward! Tell them congrats for me! Good work Niglet on the baseball team. Keep working hard. Tell Dan hello for me. Steve too. I think he gets home this week? Today I bought a nice big old hammock. Big enough for 2! So if there are still any girls that aren't married or on a mission when I get back... A nice snuggle session is in order! haha

So, no baptism this week. Long story, but her mom wigged out a little bit. Maria José is 37, but lives right next to her mom, so it just didn't work out. But she is all good still, we are preparing for the 30th.

This week was good. Our investigator Norma is starting to really progress. She is reading a lot and went to church! Maria Jose was in church as well. Also a man showed up on his own. Fernando visited the Santiago Chile temple and got some sort of lesson there from someone, and liked it. So when he came back from vacation he decided he would stop in. He is more mature... Probably 75 or so, but is super lively and loved the meetings.

I called Hugo and Natividad last night, from Paso de Oro, and they are doing great!!!!!! They both have callings and Hugo received the Melchizedek Priesthood yesterday! It was super great to talk to them.

I am learning many many things here in my mission. I am really loving it. There are a few difficulties here and there, but that is all part of it. I love the story of Samuel the Lamanite. I was reading it these past few days. He got rejected and the Lord told him to go back. He got up on the wall and cried repentance! That is so legit. Quite the missionary. I am doing my best to be even half of the missionary that he was. 

The Church is true. Joseph Smith was a prophet. But most importantly, Jesus Christ is our Savior. I love testifying of Him. My relationship with my Savior is growing a lot and I couldn't be happier about it.

Hope you all have a great week. Hope someone in the ward gets called to the best mission in the world!

Love, Elder Naegle

Monday, March 11, 2013

Email March 11, 2013

Hello Mom,

So we got changes today. This was only a 4 week change. We are both staying. So I will have 3 and a half changes with Elder Palacios it looks like. 4 areas in my mission with 8 comps, not counting the MTC. Assuming nothing changes. By the way, I am going home when we had planned. Everyone is going home on their normal return date, at least until the new mission president comes.

So life is good. We are having the baptism of Maria Jose tomorrow. I am pumped! It should be awesome. She is going through heck with her family right now, so please keep her in your prayers. All of the new missionaries are going to be there, so it should be pretty special. Hopefully we can get lots of our investigators to go as well.

This week I did a division with Elder Barker in Mburucuya, and they live with the office elders. And 2 of the office elders are training their replacements right now, so that house is crazy! Haha it was super fun. I talked with Elder Wing and Elder Horrocks for a while. Pretty sure I will be good friends with them after the mission. Horrocks is just like James Wagstaff, it kills me.

So last night I was going over some of the numbers with one of the district leaders. He is in an area that has always been known as a "tough area". Here in Asuncion, we have a few of those. We were talking about it, and how it is great to go out with excitement, but often that just isn't enough. I brought up Nephi, and the idea of if Nephi and managed to take a fortune to Laban every single time, but just been more excited each time and more convinced it was going to work, he wouldn't have been successful. He had to try new things. Be creative. President Madariaga has made us promises regarding contacts and other things, but if we are doing those things in the same old boring ways, we probably won't see the results. We gotta mix it up. This was some good revelation for me. I know I said it to a district leader, but it was what I needed to hear. Super cool how God answers our prayers.

Enjoy the pictures. Those are my original eccos. They will easily make it to the end of my mission. I am pretty excited about it. That is Gilberto, he is hilarious.

Love you all. Tell Dan hello for me. That means Steve gets home soon. Give all my friends a hug for me! and a kick in the pants!

Love, Elder Naegle

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Email March 4, 2013

Hello Mom,

It is nice and cool in Paraguay today. Such a blessing! Congrats to Niglet making the team. That is cool that Dan will be helping out on the coaching staff. Congrats to the boys in the ward getting their mission calls. I still want someone I know to come here to Asuncion North. It is awesome! Half of my areas will no longer be in the mission, but... That is ok!

So... No baptism.... This week... But we do have a baptism a week from tomorrow. Maria Jose. Elder Richins found her. We dropped her, picked her up  again. She is awesome.  Really progressing now. The Lord works in mysterious ways to prepare people. I will explain everything that has happened another time.

Quick note. It shouldn't be Open Mike Sunday. It should be fast and testimony meeting. I was actually quite glad that many of our investigators didn't go to church yesterday because of some of the things that were said. Let us not say things about other churches..... True or not, it can offend people. May I add, many times it isn't true. Good thing Maria Jose is so prepared.

Today we heard from Elder Viñas of the 70 in our zone leaders council. The district leaders were invited as well. Not much time, so I won't go into much of what he or President Madariaga said, but I do want to say that it was a super spiritual experience. 

Hope you all are doing really well.  I love you lots. You are in my prayers.

Love, Elder Naegle

Monday, February 25, 2013

Email Feb. 25, 2013

Hello Mom,

I'm walking on sunshine, oh--oh, and don't it feel good! 

How are you Mom? I am doing excellent. To answer your question, my comp was with one of the assistants, and Labra's comp was with the other assistant. With us 6 and the temple workers there were a whole lot of black name tags in church that Sunday!

The mission changes will be affecting our mission. And 2 of the 3 zones I have been in will be taken.... Haha. Good thing it will happen a week after I leave! President Madariaga has a lot of work ahead of him because he already had to open 25 areas by that time, but now he is losing 25, so that makes 50 areas he will have to open by July.... Should be fun. Good thing he receives lots of revelation.

This week was good, but it was full of appointments falling... That means a lot of contacting, and scratching your head trying to figure out what you are going to do next. But it was a good learning week. I did a division with Elder Lewis in San Jorge. He goes home a change before me. It was good to get to know him better and work hard in his area.

Then we did some splits in my area and I went with Hoguer, as in Shrek. He served in Utah, and he has a picture with Elder Larson, from Nate's group, in the MTC. So... Pretty sure he met Nate. But he can't remember. Elder Guillen is his name. Maybe Nate remembers him. He is super cool and we had a good time. He wants to study in Utah, and I rekindled that fire! So we'll see if he can make it happen.

Sunday was good. Maria Jose came to church, and Felix as well. Felix should be getting baptized this Saturday and I am excited for him. He is a super smart kid. I also taught Gospel Principles, this week it was about the Gathering of Israel... Yeah... I know... Super interesting for new and reactivating people... haha but at least I was able to learn something, right?

Well. Hope everyone is doing great. Elder Naegle is doing great. He is now back up to 165 pounds! Oh yeah! Turns out that the worm diet takes a few more pounds than I had planned... 

The good news is that worms can't take away a testimony, which is as strong as ever. I love my Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet and the fullness of the gospel was restored through him. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. These things I know through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Love, Elder Naegle

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Email Feb. 18, 2013*

Hello Mom,
Well I wrote this all in word, because the internet is down. But I am using a laptop of Hectors with personal internet, so it is all good. Sorry no comments about your email.
Well it was a good week. I got back with my comp on Wednesday when Labra went home. It was pretty good to be back with my comp and be able to work like normal. It is nice having a good teacher by your side.
This week nothing too exciting happened, but it was good. Friday I was able to do a baptismal interview in Mburucuya. It went really well, and afterwards we had one of the coolest lessons of my mission. We went to a part member family that we have been trying to teach for a long time. The dad, is member. His wife isn’t, his 15 year old daughter isn’t either. They also have 2 more kids that aren’t quite to baptismal age yet. Well we were finally able to teach them last week, and Friday was the 2nd visit. As we were talking about their experience with their commitments, it was incredible. We had committed them to pray as a family, and they had prayed every single day together, except for one. The daughter had read about 12 chapters in the BOM and loved it. She shared a great experience, she said that she had been wanting to go to Germany as an exchange student, but it didn’t happen. 1 Nephi 9:6 answered her why. It wasn’t God’s will. As she shared this, she broke down in tears. The Spirit was so strong. Her dad took over from there. He explained that they had tried to do everything to get her to go, but in the end everything just went against them. They had tried to console their daughter like any good parent would, but it was the scriptures that were able to do it! Oh yeah!!!!!!! The Spirit was burning! Personally I think it was because God knew that we would be stopping by to teach the family… But God knows why.
This week in church we had a miracle when Maria went to church. She was an old investigator that Richins had found, but stopped progressing due to family pressure and doubts. Well when I was with Labra, I felt impressed to stop by and visit. It was weird because I knew that she usually studies English at that time, but we went anyway. She was home because she was recovering from Dengue. She has been super humbled and prepared for baptism. A member died recently that was like her mom. She had a dream with that member and felt that it was time for her to be baptized. Also Elder and Sister Spencer, temple workers, had visited her and her mom and softened up to them a lot. All of these things combined, and well…. She is now preparing for baptism. But she is making a trip to New York first, in March. Hello Natali! She is going to go to church while she is there! So she will need to find Natali and go to church with her. Except it would be better if she went to a Spanish ward, because her English isn’t super good… hahaha.
Well. Love you all. Alma 41:8 hit me pretty hard this morning.  The Lord’s decrees are set, he who wants to walk in the Lord’s ways will be saved. Pretty simple. Can’t remember exactly how it is and I read it in Spanish… Sorry… Haha go ahead and look it up.
Have a great week. Love you all.

Love, Elder Naegle

This is a lot of rain we got today. Good thing it happened after I went to TGI Fridays... Haha. I bought lunch for my comp for his birthday. Just so you know Mom.

Love, P

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Email February 11, 2013*

Hello Mum,

Sorry if some of the Austrailian comes out of me in this email... Elder Labra is rubbing off on me. His dad is chilean, that is where the name comes from. I have been with him since saturday. He goes home on wednesday. I still haven't gotten the call from the assistants about changes so I am not sure what is going to happen. But odds are that I will be with Elder Palacios again here in Moroni.

This week was pretty good. We had our zone meeting where we were able to teach our zone all of the things that we learned in concilio. President Madariaga came to ours again, so we did a demonstration with him. It was really fun, I always enjoy doing practices with President. After the meeting I started a division with Elder Staker in Zeballos. We had an awesome lesson with someone we found.  She is going through depression, basically going through hell with the ex-man, and her step daughter is a less active. The Spirit was super strong and she committed to being baptized on the 2 of March. We gave her a blessing and we left. On Saturday when I went over there to do a baptismal interview, I saw her outside her house and she was pumped. She told me she was reading and she wants to get baptized even earlier (turns out you need to go to church a few times... hahaha). She feels a ton better. Sunday after church was great when I got a phone call from Staker saying she was in church and she loved it.

Saturday, like I mentioned, I did a baptismal interview right before a wedding. The kid was pretty prepared, and the Spirit was so strong. The highlight of the interview was when we talked about tithing. Not even sure how it happened, but I felt the Spirit so strong as I bore my testimony about the importance of it. I could see the Spirit working in him as his understanding was taken to a whole different level.

We did have Felix come to church. He is a friend of a youth in the ward that we started teaching this week. Super smart and progressing very well, but his mom isn't interested at all. Fortunately the member friend, Pablito, is the most active member in the ward, so we got some good member help. They are both 15 I think.

Well. I love you so much. Hope everyone is doing great. I have realized how important it is that we change a lot and don't come home the same person. I love my mission. I loved eating with the Price family yesterday too. American gravy..... mashed potatoes.... Pork cooked in the crock pot.... I about died... hahha

I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. He suffered for each one of us. I love Him so much.

Love, Elder Naegle

p.s. This is a picture of my zone. Sorry I didn't want to deal with the all the other cameras in the middle. Also a picture from zeballos cue, looking at asuncion. Took it today at our barbecue we did.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Email January 28, 2013

Hello Mom,

How are you? Sounds like things are going pretty well. Send the Knickrehm's my love. Not easy to lose a loved one. The cabin sounds as fun as ever. Good thing it doesn't move... It will be there when I get back. 

Please tell the Faulkner's and Rich and Rhea Anderson thanks for their Christmas cards! Really appreciated! Also I got a nice little Christmas package from Dave and Jeanette. Awesome! Thanks! Paraguay mail decided to open it with a box cutter and cut the card right in half... I love Paraguayan mail.... hahaha.

This week was awesome. Super busy. Divisions. I did a baptism interview for the district leader in Zeballos Cue. The assistants had a baptism. Time was short, and it flew by. 

The first division was with Mburucuya, I went with Elder Wolfgramm in my area. He is so awesome. A big football player from Payson, UT. I told him about the new snowmobile and he about fell over saying that is the first thing he wants to get when he gets back. My kind of missionary!

Friday we did a division with the assistants. I stayed in my area with Elder Harris. He is pretty dang funny. We had a good time. I just want to share one experience. We contacted a reference that I have been trying to contact for a while, and the lady came out and said she only had 15 minutes cause they were leaving out of town. So we sat down with her, and it didn't seem like she was super interested. We were just asking her questions and trying to get to know her better. Then we started testifying about eternal families. Not exactly sure why, but the Lord does. That was exactly what she needed to hear. Her face changed immediately. She looked at me and asked, how does this work? Are you guys coming back? I want to learn more with my family. The Spirit had knocked on the door and she let it in. It was awesome. Due to time, we were unable to invite her to be baptized but I am sure this wednesday when we visit her she will be ready. 

So I was reading in el LDM this morning in Alma 25. Pretty awesome how the converted lamanites understood the doctrine. They knew that the Law of Moses wasn't the end in itself. But rather the means by which they could strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ. I have found that often times as missionaries and members, we get trapped in thinking the goal, or the program is the end. Elder Christofferson talks about this in a great talk he gave to mission presidents. It is so important to understand why we are doing the things we are doing, to strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ and be able to live His Gospel, and to help others out along the way. Just some good old Elder Naegle thoughts for you. Hope you enjoyed. Let us all do the things we are supposed to do, but remember why we are doing them. I know that Jesus is the Christ. Have a great week!

Love, Elder Naegle

Monday, January 21, 2013

Email January 21, 2013

Hello Mom,

Sounds like good news from home. I sure do miss going to the Logan temple once a week, especially seeing the Paraguay temple at least once a week... But it is such a blessing to have the temple in my area. For one thing, 99% of the people know where the church is! Right now the temple is closed though for cleaning and maintenance. I got a card from the Guinns, please tell them thanks. Also please tell the Nicholas family thanks again for their monthly letter. 

Anyway. This week was a pretty good one. We were able to get ward night started again here in Moroni and it was an ok success. We played cake in the face with whipped cream. Pretty fun, I think we will have more success as time goes along. Hector went and liked it a lot.

Thursday we did a division with Trinidad, and Elder Hernandez and I taught Hector the Word of Wisdom. He committed to live it, which means dropping the occasional drinl Haha but he is willing. He stopped smoking a while back so there are no problems there. And he said he will just drink mate or cocido instead of cafe, so we are all good! Haha he is awesome.

The interesting thing about Hector is that he always tells us he is not looking for the truth. Just trying to feel good, and he does feel good in the church. "many people don't know they are looking for the truth until they find it"... so we are just trying to help him fulfill his commitments so he can gain a testimony. As Elder Bednar said, a testimony is essencial for conversion, but a testimony alone isn't enough. So, that is how things are in Moroni B. We are finding lots of cool people, working well with members, but people are using their agency and not going to church..... but that is all part of it. I have been through it before. Just gotta keep going. Elder Bednar said something very interesting when he came to Paraguay. He said many missionaries are obedient, they work hard, and they aren't seeing the results they want. So they ask themselves, what is wrong with me? to that Elder Bednar said, STOP IT! Haha, "Just be a good boy or a good girl, be obedient, and work hard". I am doing my best to be a good boy. I know the Lord will bless me with the success I am looking for.

Love you all. As I am sure that someone said, "whatever you are, be a good one!" Have a great week!

Love, Elder Naegle

 The  horse pulled cart in asuncion is a normal thing. My face in the other picture isnt.... 
Family Home Evening

Email Jan 14, 2013*

Hello Mom,

I am doing good. I kept both journals. I liked them both. I haven't had any more sunday dinners. Hector didn't go to church again this week... But we are having a FHE with him right after this! Wahoo!

This week was crazy. Lots of divisions. I did a division with Elder Goncalvez, who is in training. He is waiting for a visa to go to Argentina. He is from Encarnacion, and he worked a ton with Johnny Holmgren! What are the odds. So he is in my zone for a bit. He is a super hard worker. Tell Johnny thanks for me!

Then I did a division with Elder Wing in the office. We got office poned! The Hermana had us do a bunch of stuff for her right when I got there so we didn't end up leaving until about 6:30... hahaha it was fun though. I worked in the van!!!!! I was an American missionary for a few hours. Then we had to drop off the van that night at President's house. We needed to take the back seat out, but it turns out it doesn't come out, so we were there pretty late. President then took us home. Crazy night. But Hermana Madariaga made us sandwiches! oh yeah! There house is sweet too.

Last week the zone concilio was super awesome. I learned a lot. President is great. It is pretty cool to share a ward with the assistants as well. I think I am doing a division with them this week.

Well we had interviews this week as well. The best interview I have ever had in my mission. President Madariaga is guided by the Spirit and knew exactly what I needed to hear. I left his office with a desire to give it all. It is hard sometimes, especially working in a team, but I know the Lord just wants our heart.

Have a great week. Love you all. Hope I answered all your questions Mom. Love you .

Love, Elder Naegle